Welcome to my website! In this section you will find out more about who I am, my educational background and interests.

Who am I?

I was born in Miranda de Ebro, Burgos, and ever since I held my first video camera in my hands at the age of seven, I have been fascinated by telling stories. This passion has guided me throughout my life and has been the driving force behind my dedication and contribution to the audiovisual sector.

My studies

What started as a hobby ended up becoming my profession when I decided to follow my heart. Therefore, I trained as a technician studying Audiovisual Project and Show Production at the CIFP Mendizabala LHII in Vitoria - Gasteiz and continued my education by specialising in Direction and Audiovisual Narrative at the Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisuales de Cataluña (ESCAC).

Work experience

My work behind the scenes has been mainly freelance, which has allowed me to develop my creativity and enhance my ability to adapt to the particular needs of each person or company I have worked with. Thanks to my work I have been able to meet numerous artists whom I have helped to grow their brand and to transfer their style to their potential audience through the screen.

But in addition to music videos, advertising reels for social networks and film projects such as short films or documentaries, I have experience as a scriptwriter and production assistant. My practical knowledge of all these fields of the audiovisual sector allows me to easily manage any phase of a creative project.

Passion for acting

The first time I went on stage was when I was seven years old for "Oliver Twist" the musical. Since then more than a decade has passed, which has been filled with thousands of experiences. Musicals, comedies, short films and even web series. As well as acquiring a range of social and communication skills, along the way I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about acting, understanding the techniques and keys to achieve a successful acting in both film and theatre.

How can I help you?

Whether you are looking to enhance your image and personal brand, record your events and shows with high quality or collaborate on a specific project, I am here to help you. My mission is clear, to capture your idea on screen most creatively and originally to convey value to your target audience and expand it.

Thank you for visiting my website! If you have any questions or would like to know more about how I can help you, please do not hesitate to contact me.